We believe that
the sooner children are exposed to gymnastics, the better! 

Early exposure to gymnastics has so many benefits! 

Gymnastics helps children understand their body and how it moves better than any other sport. In gymnastics, children develop coordination, strength, flexibility, endurance, balance and overall body awareness. Children also gain confidence as they face new challenges and overcome fears in the tasks that gymnastics presents.

Children in gymnastics often go on to become great athletes in any sport they pursue. So why not give your child a leg up in their athletic ability by letting them take a gymnastics class with us? 

Things Children Learn in Our Classes

Gymnastics Teaches

Intro to Gymnastics Terminology
From learning to do their first forward roll to running across a balance beam we love helping children discover and develop their athletic ability.
Coordination is the ability to make multiple parts of your body work together to accomplish one movement. One of the first ways we see this accomplished in young children is through skipping.
Muscle Development
From their first Push Up to their first Chin Up, we love watching our athletes get stronger over the course of their training.
Self Awareness
Gymnastics puts children in an environment where they will quickly learn to be aware of themselves and their surroundings. From walking on a beam to pushing up on a bar to jumping over or off a mat - you cannot go wrong letting your child take a gymnastics class.
Children are naturally more flexible than adults because their tendons, muscles, and ligaments are still growing! However, by teaching children how to stretch their bodies we hopefully promote a life long habit of taking care of themselves.
Basic Athletic Skills
Running, Jumping, Skipping, Galloping, Hopping on One Foot - so many of these skills are mastered in our classes.
Interested In Seeing Us At Your School?
Email us today about starting a Ms. Cathy's Program at your school!
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